d o i n g
s o m e t h i n g
g o o d
w a s
n e v e r
s o
s w e e t
Fourteen year old
Jackie Price of
Rockville, Maryland,
is a young girl who
knows the meaning
of doing something
sweet for others. In
, she saw an
ad for Share Our
Strength's Great
American Bake Sale®
and knew she
wanted to be a
part of it. "I was so
motivated to host
my bake sale once
I found out that
more than 12 million
children are at risk of
hunger in America," she said. "I absolutely love to
bake, and this seemed like the perfect way to do what I
love and help others at the same time. I knew if I hosted
my own bake sale, I would be doing my part to help
end childhood hunger, and I was so proud of that."
The Great Rockville Bake Sale was held at a two day
event celebrating Memorial Day called
Hometown Holidays
in downtown Rockville, Maryland.
Jackie's booth was decorated in patriotic streamers,
flags and ribbons. Even her baked goods were patriotic;
especially her red, white, and blue cookies on a stick.
She won the nonprofit booth decoration contest, and
her reward was a
grant from the city for her
nonprofit organization! This prize brought Jackie's
fundraising total to $
! "I am so excited that all
the money I raised went to help other children.
I have been so blessed to have access to
healthy food, as many other children don't, so I am very
glad I could do something to help them out."
You too can do your
part to help end
childhood hunger
in America! Join
Sugar in
Share Our Strength's
Great American Bake
Jackie is already geared up for this year s Memorial Day
bake sale, and it should come as no surprise that this
motivated teen hopes to double her fundraising total
from last year! With dedicated partners to cheer her
on like Domino®
Sugar and Sandra Lee, spokesperson
for Share Our Strength's Great American Bake Sale
campaign, Jackie Price is certain to be a great
inspiration to others. This is a wonderful example of how
one person can help
end childhood
hunger, and make a
huge difference in
the lives of children
in their community.
Sale and sign up to
host your own bake sale. Your Bake Sale funds will help
Share Our Strength provide after-school and summer
meals to children at risk of hunger in local communities
across the country. Also, a donation based on sales of
Sugar products purchased, during the
campaign season, will be given to Great American
Bake Sale on behalf of consumers. That means, if you
bake with Domino® Sugar, in one small way, you've
made a difference to a hungry child.
Together, let's
help to make sure no child in America grows up hungry.
Domino® Sugar is proud to join with
Home & Food Expert—Sandra Lee
Spokesperson for
Great American Bake Sale.
more information, visit: G r e a t A m e r i c a n B a k e S a l e . o r g / d o m i n o
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